About me
My name is Robert, and I live in capital of Poland, Warsaw. I'm 25 years old.
As a Remote JavaScript Developer I'm working for complete applications for web platform or mobile platforms.
I have now 5+ years experience in software development. I was working for many huge companies, both of course also for startups.
I know how to find and suggest the best way for clients businesses. I like working in Agile, I like scrum and his power.
I'm' really sociable person, and I like to have contact with other people. I like to code and build friendly apps, but contact with other people(no matter if it's client, project manager or teammate) is the second reason why I like this job. After work, I like to train martial arts. For several years I trained Kickboxing and MMA. Sport is huge part of my life but I couldn't forget about music, movies and a good coffee at work ;)
Are you looking for passionate, communicative and hard-working developer with very strong soft skills?
Write to me on my contact panel or on my likedin profile.
Thank's in advance.
What can I do
MVP apps, blogs, websites with CMS by using technologies like ReactJS and NodeJS with MongoDB or PostgreSQL.
Web applications
I can do far you a template/theme for your ecommerce site.
Mobile applications
I can offer you a hybrid apps for popular platform: Android, iOS, Window Phone.